Standard Ticket
Combined Ticket
Single-day Ticket-Day 1
Single-day Ticket-Day 2
Access to Day 1 Conference and Q&A Discussions

Access to Day 2 Conference and Q&A Discussions

Pre-Day Networking on Oct. 8

1-1 Meeting Platform & Meeting Lounge

On-site materials, including Event Brochure, Lanyard & Name Badge

Access to the NET ZERO EUROPE Exhibition Area

Academic Day on Oct. 8

Access to Li-ion Battery Europe 2024, including 3 Main Days Conference and Q&A Discussions, 1-1 Meeting Platform & Public Meeting Lounge, On-site materials

€1200per person
Group Ticket(≥ 3 attendees): €1080 per person€2052per person
€840per person
€840per person
Book Now
Book Now
Book Now
Book Now
Book Now
Standard Ticket
Access to Day 1 Conference and Q&A Discussions

Access to Day 2 Conference and Q&A Discussions

Pre-Day Networking on Oct. 8

1-1 Meeting Platform & Meeting Lounge

On-site materials, including Event Brochure, Lanyard & Name Badge

Access to the NET ZERO EUROPE Exhibition Area

Academic Day on Oct. 8

Access to Li-ion Battery Europe 2024, including 3 Main Days Conference and Q&A Discussions, 1-1 Meeting Platform & Public Meeting Lounge, On-site materials
€1200per person
Group Ticket(≥ 3 attendees): €1080 per personBook Now
Combined Ticket
Access to Day 1 Conference and Q&A Discussions

Access to Day 2 Conference and Q&A Discussions

Pre-Day Networking on Oct. 8

1-1 Meeting Platform & Meeting Lounge

On-site materials, including Event Brochure, Lanyard & Name Badge

Access to the NET ZERO EUROPE Exhibition Area

Academic Day on Oct. 8

Access to Li-ion Battery Europe 2024, including 3 Main Days Conference and Q&A Discussions, 1-1 Meeting Platform & Public Meeting Lounge, On-site materials

€2052per person
Book Now
Single-day Ticket-Day 1
Access to Day 1 Conference and Q&A Discussions

Access to Day 2 Conference and Q&A Discussions
Pre-Day Networking on Oct. 8

1-1 Meeting Platform & Meeting Lounge

On-site materials, including Event Brochure, Lanyard & Name Badge

Access to the NET ZERO EUROPE Exhibition Area

Academic Day on Oct. 8

Access to Li-ion Battery Europe 2024, including 3 Main Days Conference and Q&A Discussions, 1-1 Meeting Platform & Public Meeting Lounge, On-site materials
€840per person
Book Now
Single-day Ticket-Day 2
Access to Day 1 Conference and Q&A Discussions
Access to Day 2 Conference and Q&A Discussions

Pre-Day Networking on Oct. 8

1-1 Meeting Platform & Meeting Lounge

On-site materials, including Event Brochure, Lanyard & Name Badge

Access to the NET ZERO EUROPE Exhibition Area

Academic Day on Oct. 8

Access to Li-ion Battery Europe 2024, including 3 Main Days Conference and Q&A Discussions, 1-1 Meeting Platform & Public Meeting Lounge, On-site materials
€840per person
Book Now
Access to Day 1 Conference and Q&A Discussions
Access to Day 2 Conference and Q&A Discussions
Pre-Day Networking on Oct. 8
1-1 Meeting Platform & Meeting Lounge
On-site materials, including Event Brochure, Lanyard & Name Badge
Access to the NET ZERO EUROPE Exhibition Area

Academic Day on Oct. 8

Access to Li-ion Battery Europe 2024, including 3 Main Days Conference and Q&A Discussions, 1-1 Meeting Platform & Public Meeting Lounge, On-site materials
Book Now